The Atlas Obscura Guide To Shelburne
3 Cool, Hidden, and Unusual Things to Do in Shelburne, Vermont
Updated July 15, 2019
Unusual Attractions in Shelburne
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Atlas Obscura Itineraries
10 Unexpected Delights of Vermont's Arts and Culture Scene
With its high peaks and verdant valleys, Vermont is meant for exploration. Go beyond its natural beauty and you’ll find the state’s creative side, in both historically notable institutions and the contemporary arts community quietly making wondrous work. This itinerary will take you from cherished museums to off-the-beaten-path cultural gems including a library and opera house that straddles the U.S.-Canada border, a collection of antiques that contains an 892-ton steamboat, and a Gothic church-turned-rock club. Through river towns and over mountaintops, you’ll see magnificent steel sculptures rise from rolling hayfields and expansive murals covering main streets. You’ll meet puppeteers and painters, dog lovers, and dreamers. So buckle up and wind your way to these 10 exciting art destinations that are sure to inspire your own creativity.
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