sglaizner's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Liverpool, England

Stanley Dock Tobacco Warehouse

This aging storage facility is the world's largest brick warehouse.
Liverpool, England

The Calderstones

Six neolithic sandstone boulders remaining from a dolmen.
Oslo, Norway

Hrimnir Ramen

A microbiologist-chef is slinging noodles with hyperlocal Nordic ingredients.
Isnäs, Finland

Rönnäs Archipelago Museum

Home to the finest collection of peasant boats in Finland.
Kuopio, Finland

Branch Boy Sculptures

A stick-sprouting statue watching a duo of disembodied dancing deities.
Helsinki, Finland

National Memorial to the Winter War

Dedicated to the outnumbered Finnish forces who pushed back Soviet forces during the conflict.
Helsinki, Finland

Pohjola Insurance Building

This insurance company building reminds customers that witches, bears, and gnomes are out there, best be insured.
Munich, Germany

Orlando di Lasso Statue

This tribute to the 16th-century composer is now an unusual shrine to Michael Jackson.
Munich, Germany


German-style coffee and cake, just like Oma used to make it.
Munich, Germany

Georg Elser Plaque

A small square plaque marks a failed assassination attempt that could have changed history.