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Places visited in Frankfurt, Germany
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Berlin, Germany


This Berlin island is home to a flock of free-roaming peacocks, as well as a historic ivory folly.
Potsdam, Germany

Sanssouci Palace

The "Prussian Versailles" that is as glorious today as when it was built.
Potsdam, Germany

Dampfmaschinenhaus (The Royal Pumphouse)

Designed to resemble foreign architecture, this mosque-looking structure was used to pump water to a royal fountain.
Berlin, Germany

‘Trains to Life – Trains to Death’

A haunting contrast of trains that both saved and took the lives of Jewish children in Nazi Germany.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin-Friedrichstrasse Railway Station

Cold war icon and onetime "hole" in the iron curtain.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Thousands of coffin-like pillars make up this controversial Holocaust memorial.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Sinti and Roma Victims of National Socialism

Dedicated to the European Sinti and Roma peoples murdered during the Holocaust.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Victory Column

A monument to the three wars that led to German unification towers within a Berlin traffic circle.
Berlin, Germany

Messedamm Underpass

You've probably seen these distinctive orange-tiled columns on the big screen.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Radio Tower

A restaurant and observation deck built in a unique broadcasting antenna.
Berlin, Germany

Schöneberg Gasometer

The skeletal frame of a decommissioned gas-pumping station offers breathtaking views of greater Berlin.
Berlin, Germany

Tempelhof Airport

Berlin's old airport.
Berlin, Germany

Vestiges of the Berlin Wall

On the Spree bank, discover one of the last reminders of a symbolic wall that divided, and was torn down by the people.
Berlin, Germany


Where once there was a train station bathroom, there is now this German burger joint.
Berlin, Germany

'Molecule Man'

This monumental work of art symbolizes the coming together of a previously divided city.
Berlin, Germany

Soviet Memorial (Sowjetisches Ehrenmal)

For patriotic Russians, this memorial honoring the Soviet soldiers who died liberating Berlin in 1945 is the most sacred location outside of Russia.
Berlin, Germany


An eerie, derelict amusement park in Berlin.
Cologne, Germany

Shrine of the Three Kings

The bones of the Biblical Magi traveled to Constantinople and Milan before landing in their current home inside an elaborate golden reliquary in the Cologne Cathedral.
Thessaloniki, Greece

'The Umbrellas'

One of the most photographed locations in the entire city.
Thessaloniki, Greece

Thessaloniki Brothel

A two thousand year old brothel uncovered in Northern Greece.
Thessaloniki, Greece

Heptapyrgion Fortress

An abandoned Byzantine fortress and notorious prison.
Genoa, Italy

The Lighthouse of Genoa

Depending on how it is measured, this lighthouse can claim to be the tallest in Europe and the tallest conventional lighthouse in the world.
Genoa, Italy

Roman Polanski's Neptune

Massive galleon from a box-office bomb docked in Genoa.
Genoa, Italy

Palazzo San Giorgio

Once home to one of the oldest banks in the world, this building is also where Marco Polo's famous travelogue was written.