tzar1973's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Jose, California

The Winchester Mystery House

A peculiar mansion built by the troubled heir to the Winchester Rifle Company fortune.
San Francisco, California

Sutro Heights Park

A hidden gem, named after a San Franciscan icon, offers spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean.
San Francisco, California

Camera Obscura & Holograph Collection

A walk-in working camera obscura produces 360-degree live images of the San Francisco coast.
San Francisco, California

Ruins of the Sutro Baths

The seawater playground of gilded-era San Francisco burned to the ground in 1966.
San Francisco, California

Raygun Gothic Rocket Ship

A rococo retro-futurist future-rustic vernacular between yesterday’s tomorrow and the future that never was.
San Francisco, California

Pier 22½ & the SFFD Fire Boats

Prone to disastrous fires, the city of San Francisco has the Guardian, a fireboat gifted by residents, to watch over them from the bay.
Hillsborough, California

Junípero Serra Statue

This controversial depiction of the "Founder of California" looks as though it was sculpted from mashed potatoes.
Hillsborough, California

The Flintstone House

A burnt orange monolithic dome structure perched on a hillside near Interstate 280.
Santa Cruz, California

Santa Cruz Surfing Museum

Housed in a memorial lighthouse, this museum relays the history of surfing, beginning with the antics of royal Hawaiian teenagers.
Santa Cruz, California

Court of Mysteries

A strange house built only at night, with rumored mystic inspiration.
Tampa, Florida

Dysfunctional Grace Art Co.

An oddities shop that dabbles in the deathly and beautiful.
Tampa, Florida

Columbia Restaurant

This grand Spanish-Cuban restaurant has been serving customers for more than a century.
Tampa, Florida

Parque Amigos de Jose Marti

A tiny, unassuming park in Tampa that belongs to the Republic of Cuba.
Tierra Verde, Florida

Fort De Soto Park

Fascinating military history, awe-inspiring wildlife encounters, and endless outdoor adventures draw people to this sprawling park.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Mai-Kai Restaurant

When you can't get to the Pacific, just go to Florida.
Jacksonville, Florida

Abandoned Annie Lytle Elementary School

Jacksonville's highways rendered this century-old grammar school unusable.
Rio Grande, New Jersey

Menz Restaurant & Bar

Come for the Italian food, stay for the taxidermy and giant statues.
Hamer, South Carolina

South of the Border

I-95's Tijuana-style celebration of kitsch at the Carolina border.
Townsend, Georgia

Memory Park Christ Chapel

Dubbed the "smallest church in America," this tiny sanctuary was a local grocer's dream come true.
Savannah, Georgia

Savannah Ogeechee Canal

A historic canal winds through a unique, swampy landscape.
Laurel, Maryland

Forest Haven Asylum

This abandoned asylum was once a state of the art facility before devolving into one of the most deadly mental institutions in American history.
Cape May, New Jersey

Bunker At Cape May Point

World War II bunker still standing on the New Jersey beach.
Cape May, New Jersey

Wreck of the S.S. Atlantus

The rusting remains are visible sticking out of the waters of the Delaware Bay.
Port Royal, Virginia

Assassin's End

The Virginia farm where John Wilkes Booth met his grisly end is now largely forgotten.