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Places visited in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Places edited in Khujand, Tajikistan
Places visited in Tirana, Albania
Places visited in Turkmenistan
Places visited in Tajikistan
Places visited in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Places visited in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Places visited in Uzbekistan
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San Juan, Puerto Rico

La Casa Estrecha (The Narrow House)

This tiny home was originally a narrow alleyway.
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Capilla del Santo Cristo de la Salud (Chapel of the Holy Christ of Health)

This chapel on a cliff is renowned for its healing powers and was founded on the site of a supposed divine intervention.
Arecibo, Puerto Rico

La Estatua de Colón

This giant bronze image of Christopher Columbus embarked on a voyage of its own.
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Old San Juan Cemetery

This bleach-white graveyard overlooking the ocean is accessed through a tunnel.
Arecibo, Puerto Rico

Cueva Ventana

This limestone cave offers an incredible view of the Río Grande de Arecibo valley.
San Marino, San Marino


The smaller of the three towers of San Marino is a former prison inaccessible from the ground level.
Berlin, Germany

Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church

An imperial church bombed to ruins during WWII now stands as a jagged memorial.
Barcelona, Spain

Casa Amatller

This home designed for chocolate magnate Antoni Amatller is an exquisite treasure-box of Catalan Modernism.
İzmir, Turkey

Agora of Smyrna

An underground network of massive stone arches and their skylit vaults support ruins of portico structures above.
Xian Shi, China

Xi'an City Walls

An ancient fortification lives on in this Chinese city.
Xian Shi, China

Great Mosque of Xi'an

Although resembling a grand Buddhist temple, this structure is actually the largest mosque in China.
Zanzibar, Tanzania

Slave Market Memorial

This monument is a stark reminder of the horrors of the Zanzibar slave trade.
Trieste, Italy

Faro della Vittoria (Victory Lighthouse)

One of the tallest lighthouses in the world also serves as a monument to the fallen of World War I.
Queens, New York

St. Nicholas Orthodox Church

This Orthodox Church's exterior is rather unorthodox.
Istanbul, Turkey

Camondo Stairs

A gorgeous, Gaudí-esque stairway constructed in the city of Istanbul by a prominent Jewish family.
Guča, Serbia


An open-air museum dedicated to tombstones and roadside stone monuments.
Belgrade, Serbia

Museum of Yugoslavia

A museum dedicated to the former country.
Kragujevac, Serbia

Knežev Arsenal

The ruins of a military-industrial complex now host concerts and more.
Riga, Latvia

Freedom Monument

This celebration of Latvia’s freedom and independence avoided demolition over half a century of Soviet occupation.
St. Louis, Missouri

The Girl in the Shadow Box

One man's unrequited love stands in a glass box forever.
Sevelen, Switzerland

Alte Rheinbrücke (Old Rhine Bridge)

The oldest surviving wooden bridge over Rhine lets travelers cross easily from Switzerland to Liechtensten.
Somerset, Pennsylvania

Statue of Jackson the Elephant

In the parking lot of a fast food restaurant, a statue memorializing a prolific bull elephant.
Brooklyn, New York


Nearly four centuries after its founding, remnants of one of the oldest planned communities in North America are still visible in southern Brooklyn.
Krujë, Albania

Ethnographic Museum of Krujë

Explore a traditional Albanian dwelling that pays tribute to the region's rich history.