btwotuff's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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O'Leary, Prince Edward Island

Canadian Potato Museum

This sprawling collection hides many charms.
Portland, Maine

The Portland Observatory

The only remaining historic maritime signal station in the United States.
Bucksport, Maine

Cursed Memorial of Colonel Buck

Stone monument honoring a town founder has a witch-boot shaped stain and a curse to go with it.
Luling, Texas

Luling Watermelon Water Tower

A fruit-loving town welcomes visitors with a giant melon set against the sky.
Lumpkin, Georgia

Providence Canyon State Outdoor Recreation Area

Bad farming practices caused this unnatural natural wonder.
Pensacola, Florida

Pensacola Graffiti Bridge

A local landmark with generations of spraypainted messages, and more being added each day.
Lower Darnley, Prince Edward Island

Red Sands of Prince Edward Island

Rusty red sands line the shores of this Canadian Province.
Bayfield, Prince Edward Island

Confederation Bridge

This engineering marvel is the longest bridge in Canada and one of the longest spans in the world.
O'Leary, Prince Edward Island

Seaweed Pie

Made from local Irish moss, this pie is served only in Prince Edward Island's potato museum.
Nackawic, New Brunswick

World's Largest Axe

The largest axe on the planet contains a time capsule that seems like it may never be discovered.
Hartland, New Brunswick

Hartland Bridge

The world's longest covered bridge is a quaint and incredible wooden tunnel.
Lubec, Maine

West Quoddy Head Lighthouse

This candy-striped tower is the farthest east you can go in the United States.
Prospect, Maine

Fort Knox State Historic Site

This 19th century granite fortification is one of the most well preserved forts in New England.
Verona Island, Maine

Penobscot Narrows Bridge and Observatory

The first bridge observation tower in the U.S. offers one of the best views of Maine.
Thomaston, Maine

Maine State Prison Showroom

Trinkets and toys lovingly handmade by maximum security prisoners.
Freeport, Maine

Freeport McDonald's

When the town wouldn't allow the fast-food behemoth to build a new restaurant, they put one inside an 1850 home.