clmallar3316's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Gloucester, Massachusetts

Hammond Castle Museum

An eccentric inventor's castle home with its own indoor weather system.
Denver, Colorado

Mile-High Steps at the Colorado State Capitol

The spot in the Mile-High City that's exactly 5,280 feet above sea level (at least for now).
Denver, Colorado

"The Yearling"

A Rocky Mountain city provides a happy ending for a pinto pony and his Brobdingnagian red chair.
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Garden of the Gods

Strange red rock formations that have been attributed to a higher power for hundreds of years.
San Francisco, California

Hang Ah Tea Room

The oldest dim sum restaurant in the United States is a nostalgic jewel.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Company

One of the oldest producers of hand-folded fortune cookies still uses its original secret recipe.
Bloomfield, New Jersey

Holsten's Brookdale Confectionery

This old-fashioned candy shop, ice cream parlor, and diner served as the setting for one of TV's most controversial series finales.
Pittsford, New York

Mushroom House of Rochester

Eclectic architecture in the woods of New York.
Rochester, New York

Rochester Lilac Festival

One of the largest festivals of flowers in North America takes place, appropriately, in the Flower City.
Rochester, New York

The George Eastman Museum

The home, museum, and death site of Kodak's influential founder.
Boston, Massachusetts

Mapparium Globe

An enormous, inside-out glass globe built in 1935.
Portland, Maine

International Cryptozoology Museum

The world's only international cryptozoology museum is host to an unrivaled collection of mysterious objects.
Scarborough, Maine

Lenny the Chocolate Moose

This 1,700-pound edible sculpture is way better than your average chocolate mousse.