Dale Hicks's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Caerphilly, Wales

Tommy Cooper Statue

Enthusiasts of the mid-20th century magician and comedian erected this statue in the small Welsh town in which he was born, even though the comedian only lived there for three years.
Prague, Czechia

Lennon Wall

Despite attempts by local police to discourage it, Beatles-inspired graffiti has been a means for artists to air grievances for decades.
Prague, Czechia

Tančící dům - Dancing House of Prague

This tipsy office building in downtown Prague was originally called “Fred and Ginger.”
London, England

The Fourth Plinth

Originally meant to hold a statue of King William IV, this support sat empty for years. Today, it hosts a rotating cast of public artwork.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Greyfriars Bobby

The most loyal of little dogs, or a Victorian era publicity stunt?
Tirana, Albania

House of Leaves

A museum dedicated to secret surveillance.
Tirana, Albania

Bunk’Art 2

In the heart of Tirana, this underground nuclear bunker has been transformed into a museum.
Tirana, Albania

Pyramid of Tirana

An Albanian monument to the Communism that nearly crushed the country is now a crumbling wreck.
Tirana, Albania


Once the fallout shelter of a dictator, this sprawling bunker is now a combined history museum and contemporary art gallery.
Gothenburg, Sweden

Gothenburg Medical History Museum

A 200-year-old collection of medical paraphernalia in a historic house.
Poznań, Poland

The Fighting Goats of Poznań

These mechanical goats first battled it out in the year 1551, all because of an overcooked deer.
Munich, Germany

Der Teufelstritt (The Devil's Footprint)

The footprint of a frustrated devil in Munich's Cathedral.
Munich, Germany


Oddly enough, a pair of Wolfs funded the construction of this Little Red Riding Hood sculpture.
Munich, Germany


A fearsome dragon clings to a corner of Munich's city hall.
Nuremberg, Germany

'Der Hase'

This strange sculpture depicts a giant nightmare hare crushing a man to death beneath its colossal bulk.
Nuremberg, Germany

Nuremberg Castle

A castle from the Holy Roman Empire that hosts traveling youth... in its stables.
Nuremberg, Germany


Nestled on the banks of a river in Nuremberg is a small museum that was once home of the city's official executioner.
Berchtesgaden, Germany

The Eagle's Nest

Soaring over 6,000 feet in the Bavarian Alps, this beer garden was once Hitler's 50th birthday present.
Munich, Germany

Valentin Karlstadt Museum

A serious museum dedicated to two German comedians.
Munich, Germany

Fraunhofer Refractor at the Deutsches Museum

The telescope that discovered Neptune.
Munich, Germany


Golden cobblestones remember a time when this small alley was used to avoid having to give a Nazi salute.
Munich, Germany

Weiße Rose Pavement Memorial

These bronze pamphlets remember a remarkable group of Germans who fearlessly opposed the Nazis in the very center of their power.
Munich, Germany


This beautiful 19th-century temple stands atop the ruins of its predecessor.
Munich, Germany

Klenze's Stone Bench

The unusually large seat sits atop the base of a ruined temple.