dulcinea7755's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Manatí, Puerto Rico

Frutos del Guacabo

This sustainable, family-run farm just outside of San Juan makes for a dreamy daytrip.
Quebradillas, Puerto Rico

Puente la Bellaca (La Bellaca Bridge)

This former railroad bridge was named after the great river that once flowed below it.
Coamo, Puerto Rico

Puente General Méndez Vigo

This ''hidden'' 19th-century bridge played a simple, yet important role during the Spanish-American War.
Loíza, Puerto Rico


Archaeological sites and great food inside the island's largest mangrove forest.
Vieques, Puerto Rico

Vieques Island

On this Puerto Rican island, many abandoned naval ammunition bunkers sit open while a few have been padlocked by locals as personal storage.
New York, New York

Track 61

This abandoned subway station beneath the Waldorf-Astoria hotel is allegedly used to secretly transport presidents.
New York, New York

The Cartoon Wall at Overlook

In the back of a nondescript sports bar is a museum-worthy mural by legendary cartoonists.
New York, New York

Zaragoza Mexican Deli and Grocery

Behind a grungy bodega facade, a Poblano family serves rich, home-cooked meals.
New York, New York

Fraunces Tavern

This Wall Street bar was once a hub of revolutionary activity where Washington famously bid farewell to his troops.
Jaca, Spain

The Jaca Citadel Military Miniatures Museum

32,000 tiny soldiers are posed in 23 historical settings.
La Alberca, Spain

Statue of St. Anthony's Pig

An ongoing medieval tradition of communal pig husbandry is honored with a handsome granite sculpture.
Madrid, Spain

Toilet Cabinet of Ferdinand VII

The Spanish king's private bathroom embraced the idea of a porcelain throne.
Alcoy, Spain

Puente de Sant Jordi (San Jorge Bridge)

If you like Art Deco you will love this bridge.
Madrid, Spain

Muelle's Graffiti

Sometimes called the Banksy of Madrid, Muelle was a pioneer of street art in the Spanish city.
Ribadavia, Spain

Ribadavia Casa de la Inquisición (Seat of the Inquisition)

The building hides in plain sight in Ribadavia's historic Jewish quarter.
Cangas del Narcea, Spain

Cantabrian Bears of Asturias

Head to the mountains to catch a glimpse of Spain's endangered subspecies of brown bear.
Valencia, Spain

L'Almoina Archaeological Centre

Walk into an underground archeological dig, the site of the Roman Forum that was once the center of Valencia.
Madrid, Spain

'Día y Noche' (Day and Night)

A pair of gigantic baby heads greet passengers at Atocha Station.
Madrid, Spain

Caja Madrid Obelisk

A towering monument in Spain has proven to be more labor-intensive than initially planned.
Monistrol de Montserrat, Spain

Santa Cova of Montserrat

Holy Grotto of Montserrat Monastery holds one of Europe's mysterious black Madonnas.
Huesca, Spain

Congost de Mont-rebei

A breathtaking canyon offers stunning views and frightful pathways through an ecological paradise.
Pol. Ind. de Asipo, Spain

Church of Skate

This century-old ruined temple was reborn as "The Church of Skate."
Ronda, Spain

Central Electric Ruins

The hidden ruins of an old hydroelectric plant reclaimed by nature.
Madrid, Spain

Kilometre Zero

A stone slab in Madrid marks the point from which the distances of Spain's national roads are measured.