katieblatherwick's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

Museum of Brands

Collection dedicated to brands, packaging and advertising.
London, England

Beauchamp Tower

Graffiti from the 16th and 17th centuries cover the walls of this part of the Tower of London.
London, England

Leadenhall Market

This ornate Victorian marketplace was the setting for Diagon Alley and the Leaky Cauldron in the Harry Potter films.
London, England

Coade Stone Caryatids

A measuring mishap led to these artificial stone ladies losing their stomachs.
London, England

Viking Tombstone

This Viking gravestone carved in a rare runic style was dug up from a London churchyard.
London, England

Kyoto Garden

A little slice of Japan and its aesthetics in London's Holland Park.
London, England

Temple of Mithras

Rebuilt remains of a temple to Roman god Mithras.
London, England

The Churchill Arms

This pub was 238 years old when it decided to revamp its image: It started serving Thai food.
London, England

Elfin Oak

This ancient oak plays host to carvings of magical elves, gnomes, witches, and other creatures prominent in local folklore.
London, England

The Lewis Chessmen

These mysterious Viking chess pieces spent centuries hidden on a remote Scottish island.
London, England

Linley Sambourne House

Home of one of history's most famous cartoonists just as he left it.
London, England

The Soho Square Hut

The Tudor-style cottage in the middle of the square is not quite what it seems.
London, England

London's Rose-Ringed Parakeets

Legend says these colorful, invasive residents are the descendants of birds released by Jimi Hendrix.
London, England

London Transport Museum

Its collection includes a broad array of social, geographic, graphic design, and political history.
London, England

Cecil Court

A charming 17th-century alley is lined with secondhand bookstores and antiquarian shops.
London, England

'The Ambassadors'

A mysterious shape catches the eye in this 16th-century painting.
London, England

York Water Gate

These ornate arches show how the course of the River Thames has changed.
London, England

Charing Cross Mural

The medieval woodcut-style artwork chronicles life in medieval London.
London, England

Victoria & Albert Museum Dining Rooms

Revel in the Victorian splendor of the world's oldest eating establishment inside a museum.
London, England

Rubens Ceiling at the Banqueting House

The sumptuous ceiling was one of the last things Charles I saw before his execution.
London, England

Pelicans of St James's Park

Giant, friendly pelicans in Central London, the most unlikely of places.
London, England

The Churchill War Rooms

The perfectly preserved underground rooms where Churchill plotted the war against Germany.
London, England

Electric Avenue

"We gonna rock down to Electric Avenue, and then we'll take it higher..."
Durham, England

Café on the Green

Take afternoon tea in a 17th-century almshouse.