meln1b0ne's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bisbee, Arizona

Lavender Pit

This open-pit mine is now an abandoned symbol of Bisbee's copper-mining heritage.
Bisbee, Arizona

Copper Queen Hotel

This Old West hotel, the longest in continuous operation in the state of Arizona, is claimed to be haunted.
Phoenix, Arizona

Arizona Falls

A historic hydroelectric power plant serves as the unusual backdrop for a public park.
Scottsdale, Arizona

Frank Lloyd Wright Spire

Originally conceived as part of a proposed Arizona State Capitol building in the 1950s, this structure built in 2004 stands as a monument to the architect's legacy.
Cottonwood, Arizona

Queen B Vinyl Café

Inside this store, a mysterious statue draws visitors from the world over.
Morenci, Arizona

Morenci Mine

The largest copper mine in Arizona, this enormous open pit emerges from the hills like an alien landscape.
Bisbee, Arizona

Bisbee Stairs

Stairs often replace streets on the steep slopes of this old mining town.
Casa Grande, Arizona

Casa Grande Neon Sign Park

This collection of vintage signs reflects the long and colorful history of this Arizona town.
Sedona, Arizona

Teal McDonald's Arches

The world's only teal arches exist in a city that cares more about its aesthetic than an Instagram influencer.
Tucson, Arizona

The Shelter Cocktail Lounge

This bomb shelter-themed bar has barely changed since it opened.
Chandler, Arizona

Tumbleweed Christmas Tree

Every Christmas, one Arizona city makes the most of its dry climate by creating an arid desert tannenbaum.
Flagstaff, Arizona

SP Crater

The cinder cone volcano with a less than complimentary name.
Tucson, Arizona

Hotel Congress

Sleep where gangsters fell amidst smoke and flame, with nary a bullethole to show for the legendary struggle.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Humphreys Peak

The highest point in Arizona is an oddly snow-topped peak within the otherwise arid state.
Mesa, Arizona

Organ Stop Pizza

Come for the pizza, stay for a performance on the world's largest theater pipe organ.
Jerome, Arizona

Jerome's Sliding Jail

A Wild West jailhouse that slid down the mountainside.
Winslow, Arizona

Standin' On the Corner Park

This public square capitalized on a single Eagles reference to bring some life back to an Arizona town.
Tucson, Arizona

Tucson Mineral and Gem World

A natural history wunderkammer in the middle of the desert.
Bisbee, Arizona

Erie Street, Historic Lowell

A living snapshot of a different time in America is preserved and maintained by a community of volunteers.
Tombstone, Arizona

The Bird Cage Theater

An old saloon in the West filled with history, and according to some, a few dozen ghosts.
Bisbee, Arizona

The Shady Dell

Collection of vintage trailers double as hotel rooms.
Tombstone, Arizona

Rose Tree Museum

The world's largest rose bush has literally outgrown the pioneer museum it was planted behind.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Coconino Lava River Cave

Eons ago, a rushing lava river formed this pristine passage through solid rock.
Holbrook, Arizona

Petrified Forest National Park

See massive fossils that are over 200 million years old in northeastern Arizona.