michellelfraser's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bankhead, Alberta

Bankhead Ghost Town

The ruins of the "20-year town" lay out among the mountains of Alberta.
Calgary, Alberta

'Travelling Light'

A controversial blue hoop has been puzzling freeway drivers since 2013.
Cochrane, Alberta

Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary

A rescue facility that caters specifically to wolf-dog hybrids, and educates about these unique animals.
Canmore, Alberta

Big Head Sculpture

The granite head appears to be deep in thought and half buried in the ground.
Grangemouth, Scotland

The Kelpies

The heads of two giant mythological water horses honor Scotland's horselord past.
Linlithgow, Scotland

Dudley the Cat

This bronze cat looks out over the Linlithgow Canal.
Culross, Scotland

Cobblestone Footpath

The raised stones in the middle of this road through Culross are relics of a 17th-century class divide.
Dalgety Bay, Scotland

St. Bridget's Kirk

Wander around the extensive remains of this 12th-century medieval church.
East Wemyss, Scotland

Wemyss Caves

These ancient sea caves hold Britain's highest concentration of Pictish rock carvings.
Lower Largo, Scotland

Statue of Alexander Selkirk

A cottage built at the birthplace of Alexander Selkirk, a sailor who inspired the novel 'Robinson Crusoe.'
Anstruther, Scotland

St Monans Salt Pans

The ruins of Scottish sea salt production.
Pittenweem, Scotland

St. Fillan's Cave

This tiny little cave was said to have been a refuge for a saint with a glowing arm.
Stonehaven, Scotland

Dunnottar Castle

The ruins of this gorgeous clifftop castle look like something from a fantasy novel.
Aberdeenshire, Scotland

New Slains Castle Ruins

The remains of a grand castle that may have inspired Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Steingrímsfjörður, Iceland

Drangsnes Hot Tubs

A trio of hidden hot tubs takes advantage of Iceland's natural geothermal vents.
Hólmavík, Iceland

The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery & Witchcraft

Staves, storm-calling, and of course, necropants.


Rising from the sea like a stone monster.


The oldest church in Iceland is one of the few to feature ornate decoration.
Akureyri, Iceland

Akureyri Heart-Shaped Traffic Lights

Instead of solid circles, the stoplights in this northern Icelandic town have glowing red hearts.


The most powerful waterfall in all of Europe.


This volcanic cave lake is essentially hard proof that Iceland is the most magical place on Earth.
Husavik, Iceland

Sigurgeirs Bird Museum

Largest private bird collection in Iceland, formed from a tragic accident.

The Eggs of Merry Bay

These enlarged egg sculptures represent the native birds of eastern Iceland.
Höfn, Iceland

Viking Village Film Set

This replica Viking village was created for a film that was never shot and is now open to visitors.