Okamifan1's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Arlington, Virginia

Abner Doubleday Gravesite

Though his role as the inventor of baseball may be up for debate, fans still festoon Doubleday's grave with baseballs.
Arlington, Virginia

George Washington Memorial Parkway

This isn't your average roadway—it's actually a National Park and a transportation pioneer.
Alexandria, Virginia

The George Washington Masonic National Memorial

This stately building in Alexandria, Virginia was built by Freemasons to honor one of their most famous members.
Alexandria, Virginia

Gadsby's Tavern

This colonial tavern played host to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and other famous early Americans.
Alexandria, Virginia

George Washington's Distillery

The only place for a truly presidential dram.
Virginia Beach, Virginia

Mount Trashmore

Scenic mount trashmore, Virginia Beach's most curious waterfront still has a couple of secrets.
Danville, Virginia

AAF Tank Museum

This sprawling museum holds one man's giant collection of real tanks.
Lynchburg, Virginia

Museums at Old City Cemetery

A quintet of history museums make this Virginia graveyard as much a resting place for funereal history as it is for people.
Lorton, Virginia

Lucy Burns Museum

Located at the former Lorton Prison the Lucy Burns Museum tells the story of the 91 year history of the prison including the dark chapter of its involvement in the women's suffrage movement.
Williamsburg, Virginia

Virginia Musical Museum

Home to the organ played at General MacArthur's funeral.
Williamsburg, Virginia

The King’s Arms Tavern

Dine like an American revolutionary at Colonial Williamsburg.
Waverly, Virginia

First Peanut Museum in the U.S.

A museum in the heart of Virginia peanut country devoted to the humble goober.
Charlottesville, Virginia

Monticello's Vegetable Garden and Fruitery

Thomas Jefferson's estate is home to hundreds of varieties of historic fruits and vegetables.
Roskilde, Denmark

Roskilde Viking Ship Museum

Nordic giants resurrected from the sea and restored to their former greatness.
Cairns, Australia

'Citizens Gateway to the Great Barrier Reef'

This public art is inspired by a local Aboriginal creation story.
Sydney, Australia

Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney

Come for the flowers, stay for the bats!
Richmond, Virginia

Edgar Allan Poe Museum

This museum devoted to the gothic author holds such interesting ephemera as his socks and walking stick.
Richmond, Virginia

The Markel Building

Inspired by a foil-wrapped potato, (seriously) the Markel Building has been deemed one of the 10 ugliest buildings in the world.
Richmond, Virginia

The Grand Kugel

This 29-ton granite ball spins around at the slightest touch thanks to a scientific phenomenon.
Richmond, Virginia

Hollywood Cemetery

The final resting place of two (or three) presidents, one vampire, and 18,000 Confederate soldiers.
Corolla, North Carolina

Currituck Beach Lighthouse

Beautiful Gothic-inspired lighthouse stands out among the run-of-the-mill striped fare on Bodies Island.