worldlywondersandcurios's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places added to Rapid City, South Dakota
Places added to Dubuque, Iowa
Places edited in Dubuque, Iowa
Places visited in Coral Gables, Florida
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Kansas City, Missouri

World's Largest Shuttlecocks

Four, 18-foot-tall badminton shuttlecocks lie scattered about the lawn of a Kansas City museum.
Kansas City, Missouri

The Holy Finger of Kansas City

A piece of John the Baptist in the American heartland.
Des Moines, Iowa

Zombie Burger + Drink Lab

This zombie-themed restaurant stands out in the heart of corn country.
Chicago, Illinois

The World's Columbian Exhibition of 1893

What's left of the ruins of the 1893 Columbian Exhibition, or World's Fair, also known as the White City.
Schaumburg, Illinois

'The Awaking Muse'

The face of a woman pushes its way through the earth.
Midlothian, Illinois

Bachelor's Grove Cemetery

A small abandoned and abused cemetery that has become a magnet for ghost hunters.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop

The second oldest continuously operating bar in Louisiana.
Baker, California

World's Largest Thermometer

This giant temperature attraction created some giant electric bills.
Cabazon, California

Cabazon Dinosaurs

The "world's biggest dinosaur" once housed a creationist museum in its abdomen.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Chapel In The Hills

This replica stave church looks like a piece of Norway was simply plopped down in South Dakota.
Austin, Minnesota

Spam Museum

Ever wanted to can Spam?
Chicago, Illinois

Puerto Rican Flag Sculptures

Huge abstract sculptures of the Puerto Rican Flag.
Kissimmee, Florida

Splendid China

Once featuring over 60 miniature replicas of famous Chinese locations, the Splendid China theme park was completely abandoned and is now mostly rubble.
Addison, Illinois

Nike Park

Cold War missile launch site which has been converted to a public park.
Williams Bay, Wisconsin

Yerkes Observatory

Home to the world's largest refracting telescope and the birthplace of modern astrophysics.
Kenosha, Wisconsin

Mars Cheese Castle

Wisconsin's most celebrated export gets the royal treatment on I-94.
Park Ridge, Illinois

American Science & Surplus

A science teacher's dream.
Chicago, Illinois

Eternal Silence

A haunting statue called "Eternal Silence" has quite the reputation among visitors with active imaginations.
Chicago, Illinois

Graceland Cemetery

An enormous park-like oasis, full of famous Chicagoans' graves.
Santa Monica, California

Pacific Park Solar Ferris Wheel

A second generation sun-powered marvel lights up the night.
Los Angeles, California

Muscle Beach

An historic and oft-filmed spot for musclebound iron pumpers on the Pacific coast.
Los Angeles, California

Danny's Deli

Authentic gondola hanging from the ceiling, notable mural in the back room.
Inglewood, California

Randy's Donuts

A giant donut stands as a popular symbol of Los Angeles iconography.
Los Angeles, California

Pink's Hot Dogs

World-famous, Pink's still manages to keep its prized cult fetish status.