Extraterrestrial Highway Sign – Rachel, Nevada - Atlas Obscura

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Extraterrestrial Highway Sign

Rachel, Nevada

This sign designates the road that leads to the infamous Area 51.  


The Extraterrestrial Highway is a well-known road to any extraterrestrial life of a UFO fanatic, as the road itself leads to Area 51. 

The nickname was given to Nevada State Route 375 in 1996 by the Nevada Commission on Tourism in hopes to draw more tourists to this remote part of the state. It worked and now people travel from across the world to the region.

The sign was once located at the beginning of the road near Crystal Springs. However, the sign was constantly vandalized, covered with stickers, and stolen. In fact, it’s believed to be the most stolen sign in the state.

State officials tried to remedy the situation by placing the sign higher and higher above the ground, but nothing helped. Eventually, the sign got taken down and put on display at the Alien Research Center. But people missed the sign and a new one was erected near the town of Rachel. This time with a stealth bomber next to the name. 

Know Before You Go

Please don't vandalize the sign, it's a popular photo spot for fellow enthusiasts and it can take months for the sign to be replaced if damaged or stolen.

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