Lady Dangerously's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Orchard, Colorado

Dearfield Ghost Town

In the early 1900s, hundreds of Black Americans found opportunity in this now-abandoned rural community.
Encampment, Wyoming

Grand Encampment Museum

Features unique photographic collections by women of the American West and historical attractions such as a two-story outhouse.
Medicine Bow, Wyoming

Fossil Bone Cabin

A century-old cabin off of Highway 30 touts an unusual construction material: dinosaur bones.
Keystone, South Dakota

Black Elk Peak

The highest point in South Dakota contains the ashes of Valentine McGillycuudy, the "Holy White Man."
Cheyenne, Wyoming

Quebec 01 Missile Alert Facility

The only retired U.S. nuclear missile silo that is open to the public.
Hastings, Nebraska

The Hastings Museum Kool-Aid Exhibit

The home for all things Kool-Aid offers everything except a chance to actually enjoy the drink.
Hastings, Nebraska

Bigfoot Crossroads of America

This museum started by a curious collector is now a place for believers and skeptics alike.
Lincoln, Nebraska

Johnson Museum of the Odd

A lifetime's accumulation of bric-a-brac and kitsch.
Omaha, Nebraska

Old Lincoln Highway in Omaha

A brick-paved former section of the historic coast-to-coast highway.
Murdo, South Dakota

Okaton Ghost Town

The deserted railroad town had a last gasp as a ghost town attraction before being abandoned for good.
Hermosa, South Dakota

Spokane Ghost Town

Despite repeated attempts to make it work, this former mining town is now nothing but dust and memories.
Keystone, South Dakota

Hall of Records in Mount Rushmore

Hidden behind Lincoln's head is a 70-foot-long chamber containing enamel plates documenting American history, sealed in a teakwood box in a titanium vault.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Art Alley

Thanks to a loophole in property ownership, this alleyway has become a cacophonous street gallery.
Deadwood, South Dakota

Mount Roosevelt Friendship Tower

Seth Bullock, the sheriff of Deadwood, built this town immediately after Teddy Roosevelt’s death in 1919.
Pipestone, Minnesota

Giant Pipe of Pipestone

A town honors its legacy of traditional American Indian pipe carving with one gigantic pipe.
Plainfield, Wisconsin

Grave of Ed Gein

Eternal resting place of the grave robber and murderer who served as inspiration for many of cinema’s famous madmen.
Grand Marais, Minnesota

Devil's Kettle

Half of a waterfall goes into the river while the other half seems to disappear.
Menomonie, Wisconsin

Devil’s Punchbowl

As the glaciers retreated out of northern Wisconsin, this unique natural wonder was crafted.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Dragonfly Mosaic

Thousands of people walk over this fantastic work of art every day, but how many notice it?
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Hidden Beach

Secret hideaway for an alternative beach experience.
Ekalaka, Montana

Medicine Rocks State Park

This beautiful ancient site is dotted with perforated sandstone pillars considered sacred by some Native American groups.
Baker, Montana

O'Fallon Historical Museum

This six-building complex is the home of the world's largest steer.
Mobridge, South Dakota

Sitting Bull Monument

The final resting place of the Hunkpapa Lakota leader Tatanka Iyotaka, commonly known by the English translation Sitting Bull.
Jamestown, North Dakota

World's Largest Buffalo

A true roadside icon standing on the same plains that the herds once roamed.