Rare's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Nantes, France
Places edited in Vilnius, Lithuania
Places visited in Margate, England
Places edited in Lithuania
Places edited in Montreux, Switzerland
Places visited in Hampshire, England
Places visited in East Sussex, England
Places edited in Hertfordshire, England
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London, England

The Vincent Street Fireplace

A lasting remnant of The Blitz.
London, England

Smith Square World War II Ghost Sign

A faded reminder of what was once a common sight in London during the Blitz.
London, England

Black Museum

Since 1874, this macabre collection has developed into a museum devoted to Scotland Yard's mementos of dastardly deeds.
Walmer, England

Walmer Castle and Gardens

This curious Tudor-era castle was once home to Napoleon's greatest adversary, the Duke of Wellington.
Deal, England

Deal Maritime and Local History Museum

A jumble of treasures in a small space, this old-fashioned local museum is full of surprises.
Finglesham, England

The Ham Sandwich Sign

A beautiful Kentish country intersection hosts a tasty little photo spot.
Margate, England

'The Shell Lady of Margate'

Overlooking the seaside town of Margate stands a tribute to an artist's lover.
Margate, England

Margate Caves

This forgotten chalk mine was reopened thanks to a massive effort from the local community.
Margate, England

Crab Museum

Europe's "only museum dedicated to the decapod" is full of quirky and absurdist displays, including one featuring the "famous" Giant Crab of Margate.
Birchington-on-Sea, England

Powell-Cotton Ethnographic Collection

A vast archive of cultural artifacts collected from numerous expeditions across Africa and Asia.
Birchington-on-Sea, England

Powell-Cotton Dioramas

An English explorer's vast natural history collection has the first realistic dioramas of animals staged in their natural habitats.
London, England

Rotherhithe Street

The arching stretch of London's longest street holds many reminders of the area's maritime past.
London, England

The Mayflower Pub

The London pub overlooks where the Mayflower was moored before setting sail for the New World.
London, England

Evelyn’s Mulberry

Legend has it this gnarled old tree was planted by Tsar Peter the Great during his visit to London.
London, England

St. Nicholas Church Memento Mori

These morbid carvings remind churchgoers of the inevitability of death.
London, England

Deptford Anchor

A much-loved local landmark pays tribute to the shipbuilding past of this area.
London, England

Memento Mori Pendant

The Ranger’s House exhibits fine mementos collected by Sir Julius Werner during the course of his life, including this infamous pendant.
London, England

Michael Faraday's Laboratory

The lab where the scientist made his groundbreaking discoveries is preserved on the basement floor of the Faraday Museum.
London, England

A Geological Map of England and Wales and Part of Scotland

William Smith's iconic "map that changed the world" is hidden behind a curtain in the Geological Society building.
London, England

Rubens Ceiling at the Banqueting House

The sumptuous ceiling was one of the last things Charles I saw before his execution.
Ashford, England

Mark IV World War I Tank

A rare example of this century-old British tank stands near the center of town in Ashford.
Canterbury, England

Crooked House

This skewed English house has looked like it's going to fall over for centuries.
Herne Bay, England

Amy Johnson Statue

A statue paying homage to a world-record-setting aviator who disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
Herne Bay, England

Herne Bay Museum

Beachcombers have been populating this museum with artifacts ranging from prehistoric to barely historic since the 1930's.