This was one of those weeks where the newsfeed just kept on giving.  Please find below some of my most favorite finds.  Hopefully you’ll keep me in the loop if I’ve missed even better publications!  Contact me at or @littlebrumble.

169 Years of Sauropod Research in 25 Pages: This blog post reminds us exactly how much of what we ‘know’ to be true today had to be pieced together, element by element, throughout the preceding, uh, centuries.  And… just how fleeting true knowledge is.  Plus, who doesn’t love dinosaurs?!

Sauropods - 169 Years of Academic Research - Dinosaurs - Atlas Obscura


A Visual Odyssey Through the Marvels of Life
Venture into Nature's Unseen Realms with Our New Book Atlas Obscura: Wild Life Order Now
Gastro Obscura Book


Ask a Physicist: Does entropy increase with time, or does it make time?: Honestly, I’m still not sure the answer to the question after reading the article.  I was too busy picking up my jaw from my keyboard to grasp the bigger picture.  Please excuse while I return to the article for MindBlowing v2.0. 

The Picture Show: Water Balloons Without the Balloons: The title is pretty self-explanatory, and I’m sure the visual aid below fills-in any remaining blanks. 

Water Balloon Without the Balloon - Edward Horsford - Atlas Obscura Links

(All Rights Reserved: Edward Horsford)

Traveling with Tintin (with a hearty hat-tip to The Rumpus): Before the Travel Channel, there was Tintin, the beloved Belgian comic featuring a globe-trotting young reporter on wild adventures in unknown lands. Now you can follow in the footsteps of Tintin, or your respective favorite literary/childhood character! The most comprehensive photobooth resource on the Web, featuring a global photobooth locator tool among other delights! Make your Amelie fantasy a reality.