Ala Kul Lake – Kyrgyzstan - Atlas Obscura

Ala Kul Lake

A stunning blue-green lake located in the Terskey Alatau mountain range. 

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Ala-kul Lake is one of the most beautiful places in Kyrgyzstan. It is located 20 kilometers from Karakol, in the mountains at an altitude of more than 3,500 meters above sea level. The glacial lake surrounded by high rocks has an unreal blue hue. The lake was formed by tectonic movements.

The ascent to Ala Kul is quite difficult. And it is easier, and best done in mid-summer in July or August. The trail is rocky and steep all the time. Because of the altitude, the weather is quite variable. But it is most beautiful on a bright, sunny day. At the top of the Ala kul pass is the best panoramic view. To spend the night on the shore of the lake is a separate pleasure. A lucky traveler may meet a flock of wild goats.

Know Before You Go

Do not take overly heavy things and equipment to hike to Ala kul. Do not forget that the climate here is quite cold. Before climbing is desirable to undergo acclimatization. Get relevant information before you visit. This will increase your chance of not coming back halfway.

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June 30, 2021

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