Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art
Medzilaborce, Slovakia
An extraordinary museum devoted to the pop art legend created by Slovak artists.
Located in the town of Mezilaborce near the border with Ukraine, the Andy Warhol Museum of art was founded in 1991. Inside of the communist-style concrete structure is a sizable collection of Warhol works of art and memorabilia. While Warhol never set foot in the small town of 6,000 people, the absurdity of a museum dedicated to him in a no-name town might have amused him. The museum dedicated to his works was created by a wave of petitions made by Slovak artists and other public figures after Warhol’s death. In a time where the “Velvet Revolution” was crushing the Communist Revolution, it seemed like a logical choice for Ladislav Snopko, the minister of culture at the time, to support the museum.
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January 2, 2012
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