Gizella Kopsick Palm Arboretum
Brick walkways weave through more than 500 palms and cycads, representing 150 species from around the world.
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Previously a miniature golf course, the development of the arboretum began in 1976 with the gift of 60 palms from Miss Gizella Kopsick’s private stock. The arboretum was dedicated to her on May 16, 1977—her 100th birthday. All facilities were designed to meet the needs of the handicapped, which included Miss Kopsick, who was confined to a wheelchair.
Since then, the park has grown to incorporate more than 150 species of palms and cycads.
Know Before You Go
Free. Self-guided tours are available through the parks department. Opens 30 minutes before sunrise, closes at 11 p.m. Parking is nearby and free at North Shore Park or at Vinroy Park.
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August 8, 2023
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