The rare geological occurrence of mud volcanoes are always a sight to behold, and the fields of bubbling liquid dirt in the small town of Minbu are no exception.
Mud volcanoes are formed from methane gases trapped deep below the ground being forced to the surface. In some instances the pressure will push through the water table and mix with the clay or mud in the surrounding areas to create a "volcano" such as the ones found in Minbu. Unlike regular volcanoes, there is no heating involved and in fact, the mud is cool to the touch. The landscape is in Minbu looks like the surface of the moon (if the satellite had active geology) with multiple vents bubbling out of ever-growing craters in the ground.
The area is revered as a religious site by the locals who hold the tradition that the volcanoes are powered by dragons deep within the earth. Visitors to the Minbu mud volcanoes are required to remove their shoes when they visit, but these volcanic surroundings aren't about to burn anyone's feet.
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Know Before You Go
Travelling from nearby Magway, find a motorcycle taxi who can help with a return journey. This will cost 6,000 kyat return per person. The journey will take you across the Arrawaddy River by the newly constructed bridge. Within 15 minutes you will arrive at the main entrance to the Mud Volcanoes.
November 3, 2013