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Monkey Fingers
Tamellalt, Morocco
Within the Dadès Gorge, amazing vistas and towering cliff faces can be seen at each new curve and bend in the road.
Monkey Fingers in Dades Gorge
One of the lesser known, yet extremely impressive sights, is a rock formation known as Monkey’s Fingers found along the road at Tamlalt. The towering cliff face, sometimes called the Cliffs of Tamlalt, appears pebbled—long vertical sections of rock have “digits” made of a conglomerate of boulders that rest in a unique formation, utterly different from any other section within the gorge. As the name implies, it appears as though a hand is rising up from the river below.
The cliffs are most likely made of sedimentary rocks such as sandstone and limestone, but the process of erosion that led to this formation is not fully known. The area can be hiked, with or without local guides, depending on your skill level.
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August 23, 2022
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