Ideals of the North Korean Workers' Party Monument – Pyongyang, North Korea - Atlas Obscura

Ideals of the North Korean Workers' Party Monument

A symbol of the Workers' Party of North Korea. 

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A hammer (for workers), sickle (farmers) and paintbrush (academics) form North Korea’s Monument to the People. In true DPRK fashion, the symbolism does not stop there.

Because it was erected for the 50th anniversary of the Workers’ Party, the monument is precisely 50 meters (165 feet) tall. Not only that, the number of bricks around its belt symbolise the date of Kim Jung II’s birth. It reads “Long live the Workers’ Party of Korea, the organizer and guide of all victories of the Korean people.” Inside the monument there are three large bronze pictures that represent the roots of the party, the unity of the people and the party’s vision.

Know Before You Go

Do not walk ahead of your guards - although hidden from sight there are military personnel stationed here and they are not shy about coming out to shout at you if you get a little ahead of yourself!

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October 3, 2016

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