AO Edited
Nansen Ski Jump
Nansen Wayside Park
Milan, New Hampshire
This site was once the largest ski jump tower in the world.
Nansen Ski Jump
The Nansen Ski Jump was constructed in 1937 and was used as the location for the 1938 United States Olympic Ski Jumping Trials. The jump is around 260 feet in length and was known as The Sleeping Giant.
During its time in use, the Nansen Ski Jump was noted as the largest ski jump tower in the world. The jump hosted various major local and national competitions until it was eventually retired during the 1980s.
Reconstruction on the Nansen Ski Jump began in 2016 with a re-decking of the jump that was completed in January 2017. On March 4, 2017, Sarah Hendrickson, the 2013 Women’s Ski Jumping World Champion, completed the first ski jump at the Nansen since it first closed.
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