Rosa Parks Childhood Home
Abbeville, Alabama
The future civil rights leader grew up in this Alabama farmhouse.
Childhood Home of Rosa Parks
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Before she was “the first lady of civil rights,” Rosa Parks was Rosa Louise McCauley, born on February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee to Leona, a school teacher, and James McCauley, a skilled carpenter and stonemason.
Shortly after her birth, her family moved into this house owned by her grandparents, situated on a 260-acre farm in Abbeville. A historical marker on the road marks the modest farmhouse as the home of one of the most famous figures in the American civil rights movement.
Know Before You Go
A gate blocks off the driveway and is marked as private property, but you can view the house and a commemorative plaque from the outside. Please be respectful of private property.
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