Transmission Tower 74
Wittighausen, Germany
One of two electrical towers in Germany that have a pathway constructed through the tower's legs.
Close view at the roadway passing through the legs of this tower.
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In Wittighausen exists a unique transmission tower. The massive tower supports line 74 of the Grafenrheinfeld-Höpfingen power line.
At first glance, the tower doesn’t look too special. However, the closer you get you will notice that a pathway runs directly between the station’s legs. The clearance is large enough for a truck or even a combine harvester to coast through. It’s one of only two unique pathway transmission towers in Germany. The other is located in Leopoldshafen-Eggenstein.
Know Before You Go
Follow the road Am Stiftshof in Poppenhausen in a westward direction until you see the tower.
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October 11, 2019
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