bunny4jm2's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Cedar Rapids, Iowa
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Galena, Illinois

The Dowling House

The oldest house in Galena, Illinois, now is a reminder of when this city was the world's lead mining capital.
Simpson Bay, Sint Maarten

Maho Beach

Commercial airplanes land mere feet over the heads of sunbathing beachgoers on this tiny island.
Dubuque, Iowa

Crystal Lake Cave

An underground wonderland in Iowa.
Bloomington, Minnesota

The Mall of America

Equal parts record-breaking temple to consumerism and bizarre fun park, it's more than you think it is...
Harmony, Minnesota

Niagara Cave

This large midwestern cavern features impressive rock formations and an underground waterfall.
Pella, Iowa

Vermeer Windmill

An Iowa town celebrates its heritage with the tallest working Dutch windmill in North America.
Des Moines, Iowa

Robert D. Ray Asian Garden

Dedicated to the humanitarian efforts of the state's former governor.
Chicago, Illinois


The unluckiest U-boat in the entire German fleet is now on display in a Chicago museum.
Chicago, Illinois

World Artifacts on the Tribune Tower Walls

Fragments of architectural wonders from around the globe are embedded in the newspaper building's walls.
Chicago, Illinois

300 South Wacker Drive

A 400-foot-tall tall map of Chicago makes this once-ignored building stand out.
Chicago, Illinois

Willis Tower Glass Platform

Four glass boxes hover over 1,000 feet in the air to give visitors an unparalleled view of Chicago.
London, England

Charing Cross Mural

The medieval woodcut-style artwork chronicles life in medieval London.
London, England

Cleopatra's Needle Shrapnel Scars

This ancient Egyptian obelisk still bears the wounds of World War I.
London, England

Boadicea and Her Daughters

A statue of the legendary Celtic warrior queen who fought the Roman invaders stands in one of the cities she once destroyed.
London, England

Victoria and Albert Museum WWII Battle Scars

The pockmarks across the building's facade are remnants of the Blitz.
London, England

Victoria & Albert Museum Dining Rooms

Revel in the Victorian splendor of the world's oldest eating establishment inside a museum.
London, England

Strand Lane 'Roman Baths'

Victorian-era Londoners really wanted to believe this 17th-century cistern was actually an ancient artifact.
London, England

Novelty Automation

A tongue-in-cheek arcade where the games are based on everyday life.
London, England

Honey & Co. Bloomsbury

Feast on Middle Eastern mezze from an Israeli expat duo.
London, England

Urine Deflectors of Fleet Street

One of the few remaining examples of 19th-century London’s attempt to clean up its reputation.
London, England

Giants of St. Dunstan-in-the-West

A pair of club-wielding guardians stand watch over London's first public clock to feature a minute hand.
London, England

Temple Bar Memorial Dragon

The fierce beast perches atop a pedestal marking where the historic City of London gates once stood.
London, England

Twinings Tea Shop

A 300-year-old tea shop that brought tea to the English people, not to mention the Queen herself.
London, England

Aldwych Tube Station

This Underground station has been a popular filming location for decades, even before it closed.