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Places visited in Leicester, England
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London, England

The Ferryman's Seat

The last remaining example of the boatmen's perches that once dotted the south bank of the Thames.
London, England

Billingsgate Roman House and Baths

A Roman spa buried deep beneath the City of London.
London, England

Roman Wharf Timber

The 2,000-year-old beam is tucked within the pedestrian entrance to the old London Bridge.
London, England

The Navigators

Ship-sized kinetic sculptural fantasy.
Normanton, England

Normanton Church

The sanctuary seems to either float atop the water or sink into the dirt, depending on the water level.
Stapleford, England

The Hemlock Stone

Left by the Devil, an ancient quarry or just plain old erosion, this enigmatic rock pillar rises 28 feet from the hillside.
Oakham, England

Oakham Castle Horseshoes

Hundreds of huge, centuries-old horseshoes adorn the walls of this nontraditional 12th-century castle.
Market Harborough, England

The Old Grammar School

This iconic building was founded as a school for the impoverished, but became one for the sons of the local gentry.
Foxton, England

Foxton Locks

The longest and steepest staircase locks in the United Kingdom.
Derbyshire, England

Calke Abbey

This home of a taxidermy hoarder is among the grandest and most singular of historic English estates.
Moira, England

Moira Furnace

This early 19th-century blast furnace only survived because it was a financial and technical failure.
Leicester, England

Abbey Sewage Pumping Station

This former sewage pumping station is now a fascinating museum.
Newtown Linford, England

Bradgate House

The alleged birthplace of Lady Jane Grey, who was executed at age 16 for claiming the throne of England.
Leicester, England

Mini Statue of Liberty

A replica of the famed statue far from home.
Leicester, England

National Gas Museum

The world's largest collection of artifacts from our history of industrial gas use is hard to simply pass.
Stoney Stanton, England

Stoney Cove at the UK National Dive Centre

The site of the most dived wreck in the UK.
Loughborough, England

'The Sockman'

This bare, bronze lad in a lone sock sits in the middle of Loughborough’s town center.