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Places visited in Barnard Castle, England
Places visited in Eastbourne, England
Places visited in Derby, England
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Stirling, Scotland

Cowane's Hospital

This figure of a local merchant is said to reanimate and do a dance during Hogmanay.
Stirling, Scotland

Mar's Wark

The main residence of the Erskine family and the hereditary keeper of the nearby royal Stirling Castle.
Stirling, Scotland

The Star Pyramid

This pyramid is dedicated to all those who suffered martyrdom for civil and religious liberty in Scotland.
Stirling, Scotland

Grave Robbing Headstone

A grave marker depicting a body snatching tableau on a 19th-century tombstone.
Stirling, Scotland

Martyrs' Memorial

A striking glass tribute to two sisters who suffered during Scotland's "Killing Time."
Stirling, Scotland

Wolf Craig

A distinctive building that incorporates a mythical beast into its architecture.
Stirling, Scotland

The Bastion & Thieves Pot

Hidden in this modern shopping center is a relic of 16th-century capital punishment.
Glasgow, Scotland

Doulton Fountain

The largest terracotta fountain in the world, built to commemorate Britain’s Victorian achievements.
Glasgow, Scotland

Nelson Monument Glasgow

One of the first monuments dedicated to the accomplishments of the great Vice Admiral, Horatio Nelson.
Glasgow, Scotland

Templeton on the Green

The former home of the world-famous Templeton Carpet Factory.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Drying Green

The old tradition of drying laundry on poles in the public green is still guaranteed by Glasgow city law.
Glasgow, Scotland

Sighthill Stone Circle

This astronomically-aligned stone circle was the first of its kind to be built in Great Britain after a 3,000-year hiatus.
Glasgow, Scotland

Collins Temperance Fountain

A warning against "the demon drink" adorns the northwest entrance of Glasgow Green.
Glasgow, Scotland

George Square Imperial Measurements

A small collection of objects of a bygone era hide in plain view.
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow City Chambers' Staircase

The ornate structure is part of a building boasting more marble than the Vatican.
Rothesay, Scotland

Rothesay Victorian Loos

A bay of elaborate, historic toilets are held in high esteem at this Scottish dock.
Glasgow, Scotland

Clutha and Victoria Bar

The pub has been in operation since 1819 on the banks of the Clyde.
Glasgow, Scotland

'La Pasionaria'

Glasgow's memorial to the International Brigade volunteers from Great Britain who fought and died in the Spanish Civil War.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Northern Lighthouse Board

A miniature of a lighthouse acts as a beacon for what transpires inside this location.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Gilbert the Phone Box

A former telephone box found new life as a photo booth and charity fundraiser.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Old Stockbridge Market

The remnants of a facade from a 19th-century market stall emporium.
Edinburgh, Scotland

St. Bernard's Well

A beautiful Greco-Roman structure houses a well once believed to have healing powers.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Grave of Lieutenant John Irving

This grave marks one of few bodies retrieved from the disastrous Franklin Arctic expedition.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Binns Clock

This historic timepiece was a popular meeting place for romantic rendezvous in the 1960s.