Annetta Black's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Albany, California
Places added to California
Places edited in San Francisco, California
Places added to San Antonio, Texas
Places edited in Milan, Italy
Places added to Munich, Germany
Places added to New Zealand
Places edited in British Columbia
Places added to Philippines
Auerstedt, Germany

Auerworld Palace

Living trees form the structure of an open-air palace.
Sunol-Midtown, California

Sunol Water Temple

A Roman-inspired temple once controlled half of San Francisco's waters.
Auckland, New Zealand

Waikumete Cemetery

Home to the unidentified remains of the 1979 Mt. Erebus Disaster.
Anstruther, Scotland

Smuggler's Inn

permanently closed
Stay in the one time home to one of Scotland's most notorious gentleman's sex clubs.
Saint Andrews, Scotland

Beggar's Benison Artifacts

"May prick nor purse ne'er fail you."
Rome, Italy

St. Valentine's Skull

The skull of the patron saint of lovers lies in the Basilica di Santa Maria in Cosmedin—maybe.
Roquemaure, France

Relics of St. Valentine

Celebrate the end of the Great French Wine Blight with a festival of kissing.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Ruins of Fort Macomb

permanently closed
The crumbling remains of a 19th century fortess.
San Francisco, California

San Francisco Botanical Garden

Golden Gate Park's historic collection of plants.
New York, New York

Explorers Club Headquarters

A treasure trove of artifacts, books, and artwork from the "golden age" of exploration.
Cartagena, Spain

Submarine Peral

The world's first electric battery-powered submarine.
Alland, Austria

Mayerling Lodge

Site of the 1889 murder-suicide of crown prince Rudolf and his lover Mary Vetsera.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Fort Pike

Once defending the city of New Orleans from invasion by sea, this fort faces an uncertain future.
Joshua Tree, California

Hicksville Trailer Palace

An eclectic trailer park retreat in the middle of the California desert.
Dublin, Ireland

Marsh's Library

The oldest public library in Ireland.
Vienna, Austria

Wiener Pestsäule (Vienna Plague Column)

Baroque celebration of the end of the Great Plague of Vienna.
Hamburg, Germany

Impaled Skull of Klaus Stortebeker

Executed in 1401, Exhumed in 1878, Stolen in 2010.
New Haven, Connecticut

The Cushing Center

An archival collection of over 2,200 case studies which includes human brain specimens and tumor specimens.
Conques, France

St. Foy’s Golden Reliquary

The huge golden reliquary of a testicle-smashing saint.
San Francisco, California

Site of the 1894 California Midwinter International Exposition

San Francisco's first World's Fair, dedicated to the wonders of California.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Park Druid Circles

The stones that traveled from Spain to eventually become a holy place for San Francisco's nature worshippers.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Park Diorama

A miniature view of the park, caught in time.
San Francisco, California

Heroes Grove Memorial

A quiet marker in memory of local men and women lost in WWI.
San Francisco, California

Mescaline Grove

A favorite haunt of dinosaur loving children and hallucinogen loving hippies alike.