BlueEyedGirl's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places edited in Victoria, British Columbia
Places edited in Cannon Beach, Oregon
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Richmond, Virginia

The Grand Kugel

This 29-ton granite ball spins around at the slightest touch thanks to a scientific phenomenon.
Richmond, Virginia

Hollywood Cemetery

The final resting place of two (or three) presidents, one vampire, and 18,000 Confederate soldiers.
Richmond, Virginia

Edgar Allan Poe Museum

This museum devoted to the gothic author holds such interesting ephemera as his socks and walking stick.
Gloucester Courthouse, Virginia

The Rosewell Plantation Ruins

This once-palatial plantation may have been the site where a draft of the Declaration of Independence was written.
Victoria, British Columbia

Mile 0

A monument stands at one of the starting lines of the Trans-Canada Highway, formerly the longest uninterrupted highway in the world.
Warrenton, Oregon

The Wreck of the Peter Iredale

100-year-old shipwreck you can walk up to at low tide.
Cannon Beach, Oregon

Haystack Rock

A massive sea stack famous for its appearance in The Goonies.
Victoria, British Columbia

Fan Tan Alley

The narrowest street in Canada was once a spot for dastardly doings, now a historic piece of Chinatown.
Victoria, British Columbia

The Empress Hotel

This historic Victorian hotel has a scandalous history of affairs and murder.
Boston, Massachusetts

Exchange Place Staircase to Nowhere

The remnants of a Gilded Age elegance preserved in the middle of a stark modern tower.