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Places visited in Salem, Oregon
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Seattle, Washington

Seattle Underground

A walk through the historic city center, under the streets of Seattle.
Eugene, Oregon

Shelton McMurphey Johnson House

A Victorian-style home known as the “Castle on the Hill.”
Palatka, Florida

Cross Florida Barge Canal

Public works and national defense project meant to carve a canal all the way across the state of Florida.
Mount Angel, Oregon

Mount Angel Abbey Museum

World's largest porcine hairball sits in a collection maintained by Benedictine monks.
Salem, Oregon

Wheatland Ferry

This incongruous small ferry across the Willamette River north of Salem, Oregon has been operating continuously since the 1850s.
Salem, Oregon

Oregon State Hospital Museum of Mental Health

An institution that preserves the history of institutionalization.
Florence, Oregon

Sea Lion Caves

Only known mainland rookery of the threatened Stellar sea lion.
Bandon, Oregon

Face Rock

According to legend, this rock represents a young girl trapped by an evil ocean spirit.
Cedar Key, Florida

Site of the Rosewood Massacre

A thriving Black community was destroyed by an angry white mob at this site in 1923.
Savannah, Georgia

The Waving Girl

A statue honoring 44 continuous years of greeting passing ships.
Savannah, Georgia

Plant Riverside

A once-groundbreaking power plant turned into a hotel and mini-museum of archeological and geological wonders.
Savannah, Georgia

The Pirates' House

This kitschy tavern is also home to rare early editions of "Treasure Island."
Savannah, Georgia

Grave of Gracie Watson

More than a century after her death, Little Gracie Watson remains one of Savannah's most often-visited residents.
Townsend, Georgia

Memory Park Christ Chapel

Dubbed the "smallest church in America," this tiny sanctuary was a local grocer's dream come true.