dlincoln1112's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Denver, Colorado

'Unsinkable' Molly Brown House

One of the greatest heroes of the Titanic tragedy came from humble beginnings to this beautiful home.
Denver, Colorado

Daniels and Fisher Tower

A focal point of in Denver’s skyline for over a century, inspired by a Venetian basilica.
Denver, Colorado

Linger Eatuary

Once a mortuary that held the remains of Buffalo Bill, this Denver hotspot is now a death-fixated restaurant.
Dennis, Massachusetts

Scargo Tower

This lakeside tower is the third attempt at getting a tourist destination to stick on the spot.
Key West, Florida

Blue Heaven Rooster Cemetery

A small poultry graveyard in the courtyard of a popular Key West watering hole.
Islamorada, Florida

Betsy the Lobster

This spiny beast guards an artist's village while vying for the title of largest lobster in the world.
Key West, Florida

Captain Tony's Saloon

Florida's oldest bar was once a morgue, complete with a hanging tree and gravestones.
Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts

Bridge of Flowers

An old trolley bridge was converted into a breathtaking garden bursting with colorful flowers.
West Brookfield, Massachusetts

Rock House Reservation

A rock outcropping left by a glacier that made itself useful throughout the centuries.
Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario

Brock's Monument

This seemingly cursed monument is dedicated to one of Canada's great war heroes.
Niagara Falls, Ontario

Clifton Hill

This Niagara Falls tourist trap is a world bright with neon and curiosities that will inspire love, hate, or a mixture of both.
Niagara Falls, New York

Love Canal Containment Zone

Toxic waste disaster that founded the Superfund program.
Buffalo, New York

Richardson Olmsted Complex

Created by four famous men, the beautifully designed Buffalo State Asylum was resurrected as a hotel and art center, but still boasts a ghost story or two.
Buffalo, New York

Buffalo Central Terminal

Ruins of a once-prized railroad station in New York.
Buffalo, New York

Shark Girl

The absurd creation is a compulsory destination for selfies in Buffalo.
Niagara Falls, Ontario

Niagara Tesla Monument

Niagara Falls holds a special place in Nikola Tesla's history, so they put a statue on it.
Niagara Falls, New York

Niagara Tesla Monument in New York

One of many reminders of Tesla's scientific contributions overlooks the falls which inspired him.
Niagara Falls, New York

Prophet Isaiah's Second Coming House

Quite possibly the last cross all humans will ever see.
Worcester, Massachusetts

Worcester State Hospital

A spooky and decrepit mental health facility is slowly being replaced with newer digs.
Clinton, Massachusetts

Clinton Tunnel

This railroad tunnel was once the longest in Massachusetts.
Windham, Connecticut

Thread City Crossing Bridge

Public outcry led to this bridge's unique character which celebrates a giant frog battle and also sewing.
Gardner, Massachusetts

Bicentennial Chair

In a town that's had a whole lot of giant chairs this one still stands tall, just not the tallest.
Ware, Massachusetts

Quabbin Reservoir

The largest body of water in Massachusetts annihilated four small towns just to slake Boston's thirst.
Rutland, Massachusetts

Rutland Prison Camp

The ruins of a Massachusetts prison farm can still be found crumbling the woods of a state park.