kmossyrock's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Port Townsend, Washington

Port Townsend Bay Kinetic Sculpture Race

Quirky movable sculptures have been racing through the town since 1983.
Port Townsend, Washington

Fort Worden Artillery Battery

An abandoned network of military bunkers and tunnels open for anyone willing to descend into the darkness.
Sequim, Washington

Troll Haven

A magical sanctuary of mythological statuary.
Leavenworth, Washington

Leavenworth's Bavarian Village

One small town in the Pacific Northwest transformed itself into a Bavarian-themed tourist destination.
Leavenworth, Washington

Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum

This impressively large collection includes crackers shaped like Jimmy Carter, Mickey Mouse, and more.
Poulsbo, Washington

'Little Norway on the Fjord'

The small town of Poulsbo in Washington state is the next best thing to the Kingdom of Norway.
Seattle, Washington

World Famous Giant Shoe Museum

An old-timey peepshow allows visitors to gawk at some of the world's most freakishly large footwear.
Seattle, Washington

Hammering Man

This working class sculpture pounds his hammer all the livelong day.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Center Armory

A community gathering place that once housed half-ton tanks and the World's Fair.
Seattle, Washington

Walker Rock Garden

permanently closed
A Boeing mechanic and his wife leave a whimsical, stone sculptured garden as their legacy.
Tacoma, Washington

Tacoma Narrows Bridge

This famous bridge twisted itself into oblivion, but not for the reason you might think.
Seattle, Washington

Union Station

Though strikingly beautiful, Seattle's other railway station is now largely forgotten.
Seattle, Washington

Gas Works Park

This former coal gasification plant found a curious second life as a popular public park.
Seattle, Washington

Beacon Food Forest

This edible park is open to any and all foragers.
Port Angeles, Washington

Olympic Hot Springs

Rustic natural hot springs in the deciduous rain forest.
Seattle, Washington

The Red Hall at Seattle's Central Library

A colorful architectural gem in Seattle's uniquely modern Central Library.
Forks, Washington

Hall of Mosses

Stroll through a wonderland of stupendous moss-covered trees.
Seattle, Washington

Museum of Pop Culture

A museum dedicated to the history and exploration of both popular music and science fiction.
Seattle, Washington

Ye Olde Curiosity Shop

A 100-year-old purveyor of curiosities, curios, and kitsch featuring mummies, shrunken heads, and a Fiji Mermaid.
Seattle, Washington

Fremont Troll

A giant Troll lurks under one of Seattle's oldest bridges.
Port Orchard, Washington

Hobbit House

A little piece of the Shire is hidden behind a plant nursery in Port Orchard, Washington.