explore40's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Bluff City, Tennessee

Backyard Terror's Dinosaur Park

A delightful park featuring homemade scale replicas of dinosaurs, tucked away in the Tennessee mountains.
Collettsville, North Carolina

The House of Mugs

A cabin completely covered in coffee mugs, where visitors are welcome to leave one of their own—if they can find an empty nail.
Williamsburg, Kentucky

Cumberland Falls State Park

Moonbows over Kentucky.
Tennille, Georgia

Pig Monument

An odd and heartwarming stone marker enshrines the moment a community saved a farmer's pig that fell in a well.
Pineville, Kentucky

Chained Rock

This boulder stays on its mountain thanks to a huge chain and on the map due to local legend.
Anniston, Alabama

Anniston Museum

A natural history museum with an extensive collection of bird dioramas.
Fackler, Alabama

Neversink Pit

This natural wonder drops 16 stories straight down through rare flora and streaming waterfalls.
Sparta, Tennessee

Tent Graves of Mt. Gilead Cemetery

These early tent-shaped grave coverings are unique to Appalachia.
Milledgeville, Georgia

Central State Hospital

One of the largest-ever mental hospitals now sits abandoned, surrounded by 25,000 unmarked graves.
Erwin, Tennessee

Lost Cove Settlement

Railroad came. People came. Railroad left. Town died.
Black Mountain, North Carolina

Craggy Gardens Rhododendron Tunnels

Gnarled canopies of pink and purple wildflowers arch over the trail to the summit.
Lake Lure, North Carolina

Lake Lure

Practice your Dirty Dancing lifts in the manmade lake where Johnny Castle himself did.
Hot Springs, North Carolina

Paint Rock

North Carolina's finest examples of Native American pictographs have survived for 5,000 years.
Hot Springs, North Carolina

Gratitude Garden at ArtiSun Gallery

An art instillation for the sake of "raising vibrations."
Asheville, North Carolina

Folk Art Center

A wonderful display of arts and crafts handmade by local artisans in the Southern Appalachians.
Tryon, North Carolina

Nina Simone's Childhood Home

The wooden house where the jazz great learned to play the piano.
Sparta, Tennessee

Virgin Falls Pocket Wilderness

Visit this playground of waterfalls, caves and sinkholes.
Crossville, Tennessee

Minister's Treehouse

permanently closed
This structure among the trees was the result of divine inspiration.
Travelers Rest, South Carolina

Poinsett Bridge

The oldest bridge in South Carolina may have been designed by the same man who created the Washington Monument.
Clinton, Tennessee

Clinton 12 Statue at Green McAdoo Cultural Center

A bronze sculpture honors the 12 black students who attended the first integrated public high school in the segregated South.
Sevierville, Tennessee

Forbidden Caverns

Wild lights and sound effects turn a walk through some caves into an eye-popping 1960s tourist attraction.
Hendersonville, North Carolina

Blue Ghost Fireflies

These eerie outliers of the lightning bug family glow a mysterious blue color.
Pisgah Forest, North Carolina

Sliding Rock

Who needs fancy modern water slides when this giant North Carolina rock works just as well?
Pikeville, Tennessee

Fall Creek Falls State Park

Labor provided by Great Depression-era programs restored these 25,000 acres in Tennessee.