jenniferelrington's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places edited in Cali, Colombia
Belfort, France

The Lion of Belfort

A colossal sculptural lion built by the same man who designed the Statue of Liberty.
Strängnäs, Sweden

The Lion of Gripsholm Castle

This wonky bit of historical taxidermy is experiencing a second life online.
Kea Kithnos, Greece

Lion of Kea

This smily stone feline is meant to represent a mythical lion that almost destroyed the island of Kea.
Gorongosa, Mozambique

The Lion House

When humans abandoned this safari lodge, the lions took over.
Brooklyn, New York

Commercial Street Cat Village

Feral cats keeping the rodent population at bay all across Greenpoint waterfront.
Udimalla, India

Nagarjunsagar-Srisailam Tiger Reserve

The largest tiger reserve in India is a vast expanse dotted with ancient ruins of Nagarjuna Viswa Vidyalayam.
Mahabalipuram, India

Tiger Cave

Picnic on the seashore in the footsteps of ancient kings, protected by giant mythical cat beasts.
Los Angeles, California

Room 8 the Cat Mural

Hand-crafted tributes to a stray cat named "Room 8" now cover this LA elementary school.
Riga, Latvia

Black Cat of Riga

A black cat protests the City Guild in Riga's Old Town.
Henderson, Nevada

The Simpsons House

Originally built as a promotional giveaway, this suburban house was designed to be an IRL version of the Simpson home.
Caliente, Nevada

Delamar Ghost Town

The eerie ruins of an isolated abandoned town nicknamed "the Widowmaker" for its deadly gold mine.
Box Elder County, Utah

'Eddgar and Benn'

This plaque marks the site where the penultimate chapter in the journey of two doomed boys unfolded in an imagined parallel universe.
York, England

Cat Statues of York

A century-old tradition has culminated in a small but singular collection of feline effigies.
Los Gatos, California

The Cats

A pair of pure white felines guard the entrance to a spot of California real estate established as an artist's haven.
New Taipei City, Taiwan

Houtong Cat Village

Once a prosperous mining village, this tiny Taiwanese town is now overrun with cute cats.
Lanai City, Hawaii

Lanai Cat Sanctuary

The island of Lanai in Hawai'i is a paradise for cats and cat lovers.
London, England

Monument to Hodge the Cat

Dictionary Johnson’s favorite feline.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Cats of Jackson Square

By day this New Orleans square is for pedestrians, but by night it is a kingdom of kittens.
Manchester, New Hampshire

Cat Alley

One New Hampshire alleyway has become home to a public gallery of feline art.
Valencia, Spain

Cat House

This house's itty bitty size means no humans allowed.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Lucky Cat Museum

This collection of Japanese luck idols beckons visitors with over 2,000 waving paws.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Meowtropolitan Cat Café

Make your reservation to have coffee with some kitties.
Rome, Italy

Torre Argentina (Roman Cat Sanctuary)

Hundreds of lucky felines haunt the ruins where Caesar was murdered.
Rosamond, California

The Cat House

permanently closed
Exotic feline breeding compound and conservation center.