jonahying's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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New Orleans, Louisiana

National World War II Museum

Formerly known as National D-Day Museum, this collection commemorates the battles of Normandy and WWII.
New Orleans, Louisiana

St. Louis Cathedral

This cathedral dedicated to Louis IX, sainted King of France, holds many secrets.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Jean Lafitte's Old Absinthe House

A 200-year-old bar in the historic French Quarter refuses to give up its place in history, nor its role in securing ours.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Street Name Tiles of New Orleans

This distinctive Crescent City tradition dates back to the days of horse-drawn carriages.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Nicolas Cage's Pyramid Tomb

In 2010, Nicolas Cage purchased two plots in this cemetery using one to construct this strange pyramid mausoleum.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Marie Laveau's Tomb

The final resting place of New Orleans' most famous voodoo priestess.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Saint Louis Cemetery No. 1

The oldest cemetery in New Orleans, resting peacefully for over 200 years now.
Key West, Florida

Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum

The former home of the Nobel Prize-winning American writer is now home to dozens of six-toed cats.
Knoxville, Maryland

The Sign Above the Tunnel

This advertisement for talcum powder was painted on the rock face and has since defied removal.
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

John Brown's Fort

The last holdout of a pre-Civil War rebel who took the matter of slavery into his own hands.
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

Jefferson Rock

This shale formation along the Appalachian Trail once inspired the third president of the United States.
Washington, D.C.

Misspelling at the Lincoln Memorial

The Lincoln Memorial has inspired many, even though a word on the inscription appears to be spelled incorrectly.
Washington, D.C.

Lincoln Memorial Undercroft

A cavernous three-story, 43,800-square-foot basement that was forgotten about for 60 years.
Washington, D.C.

Albert Einstein Bronze Statue

The beloved statue at the National Academy of Sciences is oh so inviting to sit on.
Washington, D.C.

Lincoln Book Tower

A three-story tower of books about Abraham Lincoln is one of the more unusual monuments to the president.
Washington, D.C.

National Archives Vault

An atomic bomb-proof strongbox protects the U.S. Constitution from terrorists and thieves.
Washington, D.C.

Washington Monument Commemorative Stones

Ruins from the Parthenon and petrified wood line the interior of one of the world's most famous monuments.
Washington, D.C.

Washington Monument Access Hatch

Daredevil repair workers can worm their way out the access hatch, loop ropes over the apex and rappel down the monument.
Hamer, South Carolina

South of the Border

I-95's Tijuana-style celebration of kitsch at the Carolina border.
Turnov, Czechia

Český Ráj (Bohemian Paradise)

Bohemian paradise covered in majestic forests.
Terezín, Czechia

Theresienstadt (Terezín Concentration Camp)

Created as a "model concentration camp" to hide Nazi atrocities from the international community, this former camp-ghetto now holds a museum and memorial honoring the lives lost within.
Prague, Czechia

Strahov Monastery

Two stunning 17th-century libraries and a cabinet of curiosities.
Prague, Czechia

Žižkov Tower

Looming communist pillar with a Czech twist.
Prague, Czechia

Defenestration of Prague Window

The palace window through which Protestant nobles flung two Catholic regents, thus sparking the Thirty Years' War.