lucaspatmat's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Compton, Arkansas

Hemmed-In-Hollow Falls

The highest waterfall between the Rockies and the Appalachian Mountains.
Scott, Arkansas

Toltec Mounds

People of the Plum Bayou culture built these enormous mounds over 1,000 years ago.
Fort Smith, Arkansas

Chaffee Barbershop Museum

Where Elvis Presley received his first Army buzz cut.
Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Blue Springs Heritage Center

The largest spring in Northwest Arkansas is also home to a sprawling botanical gardens and a historically significant bluff.
Jasper, Arkansas

Triple Falls

These waterfalls can be twins or triplets, depending on how much it's rained recently.
Mammoth Spring, Arkansas

Mammoth Spring

The seventh largest spring in the world.
Hot Springs, Arkansas

Thermal Spring Cascades

Two gushing waterfalls of hot spring water within a block of each other.
Magnet Cove, Arkansas

Falls Branch Creek Falls

Home to a seasonal waterfall and swimming hole in the Ouachita Mountains.
Bentonville, Arkansas

Bachman-Wilson House

A home designed to be on the cutting edge of comfortable, low-cost living.
Eureka Springs, Arkansas

The Grotto Wood-Fire Grill

This restaurant serves wood-fired fare served in a natural cave with a live spring.
Hot Springs, Arkansas

Tiny Town

Everything in this miniature world was handmade from matches, paperclips, wires, tin cans, and other everyday objects.
Lead Hill, Arkansas

Ozark Medieval Fortress

Twenty-year effort to raise a castle using tools and techniques from the 13th century is now abandoned in the Arkansas woods.
Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Basin Park Hotel

An extravagant western hotel where every floor is the "ground floor."
Alma, Arkansas

Popeye Statue

Bronze statue marks the spinach capital of the world.
Calico Rock, Arkansas

Peppersauce Ghost Town

An abandoned early-20th-century boomtown sits within the Calico Rock city limits.
Fouke, Arkansas

Boggy Creek Monster

The legend of a local monster still haunts this small town.
Eureka Springs, Arkansas

The 1886 Crescent Hotel and Spa

This haunted hotel built on natural springs once served as a hospital for a quack doctor promising a cure for cancer.
Marianna, Arkansas

Jones Bar-B-Q Diner

One of the most acclaimed eateries in Arkansas is a two-table diner on the ground floor of a family home.
Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Pivot Rock Park

This century-old roadside attraction is full of bizarre rock formations.
Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Quigley's Castle

The Ozarks' strangest dwelling.
Boyds, Maryland

Boyds Negro School

The only public school for Black children in the region from 1895-1936.
Silver Spring, Maryland

Acorn Park

Giant acorn-shaped 19th century gazebo from which suburban Washingtonians gazed upon the original "silver" spring.
Bethesda, Maryland

Mushroom House of Bethesda

Surrounded by traditional homes, this Tolkien-esque dwelling stands out on a quiet street in suburban Maryland.
Germantown, Maryland

Earthoid Water Tank

The whole world in one water tank.