marcelomelo's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Brasília, Brazil
Places visited in Lakeland, Florida
Places visited in Port Orange, Florida
Places visited in Orlando, Florida
Budapest, Hungary

Shoes on the Danube Promenade

A trail of iron footwear stands as a monument to the thousands executed along this riverbank during WWII.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Thousands of coffin-like pillars make up this controversial Holocaust memorial.
Berlin, Germany

Denkzeichen Georg Elser

A monument to the man who almost killed Hitler.
Berlin, Germany

Führerbunker Parking Lot

The bunker where Hitler took his own life is hidden under this deliberately ordinary parking lot.
Berlin, Germany

Bahnhof Berlin Zoologischer Garten

Metro station with a claim to rock n' roll fame.
Berlin, Germany

Marx and Engels Forum

One of downtown Berlin's last reminders of its Communist past.
Berlin, Germany


Where once there was a train station bathroom, there is now this German burger joint.
Berlin, Germany

Vestiges of the Berlin Wall

On the Spree bank, discover one of the last reminders of a symbolic wall that divided, and was torn down by the people.
Berlin, Germany

The DDR Museum

A fascinating insight into daily life in the Eastern Bloc.
Berlin, Germany


permanently closed
The largest free-standing aquarium in the world resides in a hotel lobby in Berlin.
Berlin, Germany

The Bebelplatz

The site of the famous Nazi book burning campaign of 1933 remembers its "Night of Shame".
Milan, Italy

Fondazione Prada

A space dedicated to contemporary art and culture, co-chaired by fashion icon Miuccia Prada.
Milan, Italy


This giant middle finger statue sends an unambiguous message to Italy's bankers.
Milan, Italy

Loggia dei Mercanti Whispering Gallery

The secret medieval communication system will whisk your words above the noise of the crowd.
Milan, Italy

Milan's Duomo "Dinosaur"

Milan's duomo is covered in beautiful carving including a curious "dinosaur-like" beast.
Milan, Italy

Albergo Diurno Venezia

Long-abandoned art nouveau baths beneath Milan's Piazza Oberdan.
Milan, Italy

Bosco Verticale

Two very green residential towers cleaning the air in one of Europe's most polluted cities.
Ouro Preto, Brazil

Museu do Aleijadinho

A display of works by one of the world masters sacred art, an 18th-century Brazilian sculptor nicknamed "the little cripple."
Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Brazil

Vale da Lua

After millennia of erosion by sand and churning water this Brazilian valley now looks like a lunar fantasy.
Tampa, Florida

Ulele Fairyland Figures

These former theme park figures have a new lease on life outside a water plant-turned-restaurant.
Tampa, Florida

Parque Amigos de Jose Marti

A tiny, unassuming park in Tampa that belongs to the Republic of Cuba.
Clermont, Florida

The Citrus Tower

An icon among Florida's pre-Disney tourist attractions, just west of Orlando.
Polk City, Florida

Fantasy of Flight

The world's largest private aircraft collection.
Key West, Florida

Key West Cemetery

The island residents are known for taking their quirky sense of humor with them to the grave.