samanthapearl16's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rindge, New Hampshire

Cathedral of the Pines

This open-air spiritual sanctuary offers stunning views of Mt. Monadnock and provides a natural and peaceful environment for worship and meditation.
Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Strawbery Banke

New Hampshire's first neighborhood is now preserved as a historic village with live action role players.
Moultonborough, New Hampshire

Castle in the Clouds

The early 20th-century home features cutting-edge technology of the day, such as ammonia refrigeration and needle showers.
Hanover, New Hampshire

The Epic of American Civilization

3,200-square-foot mural inside Dartmouth Library depicts the history of America with images of human sacrifice, ancient gods, and other unspeakable terrors.
Keene, New Hampshire

Parrish Shoes Sign

A recreated sign from the movie Jumanji has become a makeshift tribute to the film's late star.
Goffstown, New Hampshire

Goffstown Giant Pumpkin Regatta

Row, row, row your pumpkin quickly down the stream.
Madison, New Hampshire

Madison Boulder

A very big rock just plopped down in the New England woods.
Brookline, New Hampshire

Andres Institute of Art and Sculpture Garden

Around 100 sculptures from artists all over the world decorate the hiking trails surrounding this locale.
Lyndeborough, New Hampshire

Purgatory Falls

Beautiful natural falls where Satan once ruined a pot of beans.
Chesterfield, New Hampshire

Madame Sherri's Castle

Ruins of the elaborate house where the enigmatic costume designer threw glamorous parties for New York's theatrical elite.
Alexandria, New York

Deer Island

The private island of Yale's elite Skull & Bones society is kind of a dump.