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Places visited in Deming, New Mexico
Places visited in Hope, British Columbia
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Black Canyon City, Arizona

I-17 Mystery Christmas Tree

Every year, festive decorations appear on this juniper tree located in the median strip of a busy highway.
Wickenburg, Arizona

Wickenburg Jail Tree

Opinions differ as to whether this Arizona tree was actually used as a Wild West jail, but that hasn't stopped the town from capitalizing on it.
Newberry Springs, California

Rock-A-Hoola Waterpark

The "Fun Spot of the Desert" is now a haunting ruin, and a reminder that putting a water park in a desert is a bad idea.
Henrieville, Utah

Kodachrome Basin Spires

This quiet park's strange sedimentary spires were named after Kodak's color film.
Kane, Utah

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

This rugged area of red rocks and arches is often considered one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
Yermo, California

Peggy Sue's 50's Diner & Diner-Saur Park

Like a kitschy mirage in the Mojave, this eatery serves up classic 50s-style diner meals and a dinosaur sculpture garden.
Yermo, California

Calico Ghost Town

A desert ghost town—occupied for only 12 years—was once home to more than 500 silver mines.
Rimrock, Arizona

Montezuma Well

This sinkhole in the Arizona desert is filled with carbonated, arsenic-rich water
Custer, South Dakota

Crazy Horse Memorial

The world's largest mountain carving could fit all of Mount Rushmore inside it many times over.
Faywood, New Mexico

City of Rocks State Park

These unique volcanic rock formations offer the perfect opportunity to camp and hike.
Hillsboro, New Mexico

Lake Valley Historic Townsite

Crumbling remnants of what was once a booming town full of silver.
Houston, Texas

National Museum of Funeral History

Fantastic collection celebrating the final send-off.
Benson, Arizona

The Thing

What is the Thing?
Columbus, New Mexico

Shrine to the Perfect Man

This replica of the Indian spiritual master Meher Baba's tomb stands unfinished in the New Mexico desert.
Lebanon, Kansas

Geographic Center of the Contiguous United States

Small plaque marks the spot, but the true center is located about half a mile away on a private pig farm.
Abita Springs, Louisiana

Abita Mystery House

A museum of unusual collections, mini-towns, and a half-dog, half-alligator.
Hamer, South Carolina

South of the Border

I-95's Tijuana-style celebration of kitsch at the Carolina border.
Auburn, New York

Finger Lakes Drive-In

Opened in 1947, this is the oldest continuously-operating drive-in theater in New York.
Deming, New Mexico


In the middle of a desert subdivision, there is supposedly an impact crater site from Kcymaerxthaereal times.
Jekyll Island, Georgia

Driftwood Beach

Constant erosion has created a surreal landscape of bleached and preserved fallen trees.
Heraklion, Greece


A minotaur, a labyrinth, and a dubious restoration pull in visitors from around the world.

The Oracle of Delphi

The hallucinogenic center of the ancient world.
Elgin, Nebraska

Bells of the Prairie

More than 150 working bells from churches and one-room-schoolhouses across the Great Plains are assembled in one man's yard.
Concordia, Kansas

Whole Wall Mural

This three-dimensional brick mural is the longest of its kind in the United States.