sjsmithoxford's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Cornwall, England

Rocky Valley Labyrinths

These mysterious mazes carved on the rock may be up to 4,000 years old.
Washington, D.C.

Godey Lime Kilns

A historic ruin just 20 feet away from a busy highway onramp.
Berlin, Germany

Stadtbahn Viaduct World War II Damage

Reminders of the Battle of Berlin still scar the railway.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Victory Column

A monument to the three wars that led to German unification towers within a Berlin traffic circle.
Schönefeld, Germany

'Der Fall Daidalos und Ikaros' ('The Case of Daedalus and Icarus')

This curious sculpture represents the perseverance needed to take to the skies.
Berlin, Germany

Humboldthain Flak Tower

These former Nazi anti-aircraft towers offer a singular view of the north of Berlin in the summer, and a sanctuary for bats in winter.
Berlin, Germany


An abandoned NSA listening post on Berlin's "Devil's Mountain."
Berlin, Germany


A whimsical and twisted animatronic monster tour beneath the streets of Berlin.
Berlin, Germany

Berliner Unterwelten (Subterranean Berlin)

A tour of underground Berlin takes you through WWII air raid shelters and tunnels used to smuggle people out of East Germany.