whiteblueflower's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in North Bend, Washington
Places visited in La Push, Washington
Places visited in Twisp, Washington
Perissa, Greece

Paralia Perissa

This black sand beach was crafted from volcanic explosions including the historic Minoan eruption.
Vlychada, Greece

Tomato Industrial Museum

A former factory serves as a shrine to the industry that sustained Santorini for decades.
Santorini, Greece

Prehistoric Town of Akrotiri

A Bronze age settlement on the Greek island of Santorini might have been the inspiration for Plato's Atlantis.
Washington, D.C.

Prospect House

An 18th-century townhouse that once hosted guests of the president.
Washington, D.C.

Rush-Bagot Monument

An overlooked tribute to one of the most important peace deals in American history.
Washington, D.C.

Evelyn Y. Davis's Gravestone

A memorial to a shareholder activist feared by CEOs around the United States.
Washington, D.C.

Legislative Bell System

An ear-piercing buzzer calls lawmakers to a vote with a series of long and short rings to form coded messages.
Washington, D.C.

The George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum

Garments from across the globe call this hidden gem home.
Washington, D.C.

Flag Office Elevator

The elevator that makes it possible to fly American flags in bulk over the U.S. Capitol
Washington, D.C.

Foundry Branch Tunnel

Once a sewer culvert, this road tunnel now offers cyclists and pedestrians a subterranean stroll under the C&O Canal.
Washington, D.C.

Volta Laboratory & Bureau

Helen Keller once broke ground on this historic center for the study of technologies to benefit the hearing impaired.
Washington, D.C.

Jefferson Pier Marker

A tiny monument to the unsuccessful attempt by Thomas Jefferson to place the prime meridian in Washington.
Washington, D.C.

Cher Ami

A heroic pigeon that, through a barrage of gunfire, delivered a message that saved over 100 lives in World War I.
Washington, D.C.

Library of Congress Card Catalog

A nostalgic bibliographic gem.
Washington, D.C.

The Cuban Embassy's Hemingway Bar

When it opened during the final years of the embargo, all the drinks and cigars were free.
Seattle, Washington

Big Top Curiosity Shop

permanently closed
Inside this curiosity shop, visitors can peruse the clown collection or purchase a molar from the mouth of Bigfoot.
Paris, France

Passy Cemetery

A short distance from the Eiffel Tower is the final resting place of several of the city’s more well-known and interesting characters.
County Wicklow, Ireland

Rathgall Hillfort

Ancient Bronze Age rampart that was used into the middle ages.
Drogheda, Ireland


This Neolithic passage tomb forms part of a World Heritage Site.
Dublin, Ireland

Samuel Beckett Bridge

Dublin's most modern, visually spectacular bridge is modeled after Ireland's national emblem.
Dublin, Ireland

Relics of St. Valentine at Whitefriar Street Church

Some of the saint's blood and bones are said to reside in Dublin.
County Donegal, Ireland

Grianán of Aileach

You can see three Irish counties from this Neolithic hillside fort, once the seat of the Kingdom of Ailech.
Kilkenny, Ireland

Kells Priory

These imposing walls and towers look more like the ruins of a fortress than a monastery.
Dublin, Ireland

The Oscar Wilde House

The house where the writer spent his formative years.