Findlater Castle – Portsoy, Scotland - Atlas Obscura

Findlater Castle

Portsoy, Scotland

These ruins are a hidden gem, complete with fantastic views over the cliff edge. 

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Findlater Castle dates back to the 13th century. The beautiful ruins are built into the cliff edge on a small peninsula, some 50 feet or so above the water and rocky beach below, offering spectacular views of the surrounding Scottish landscape.

The name of the castle is believed to come from the Gaelic fionn leitir, which means “white cliff” referring to the quartz in the rock. The structure that remains today dates from a 14th century reconstruction after the castle had been taken over by Viking invaders. The dovecot nearby has been dated to the 16th or 17th centuries.

Know Before You Go

It's located two miles from Cullen and has brown tourist attraction signs leading to the car park. The address will take you to a small car park by a farm. Walk behind farm and down the track by the beehive dovecot. At the end of the track you will see the castle over the edge. A trip down to the castle is definitely worth it as the best views aren't seen from the top view point. Be careful as path is steep and cliff edge exposed at some parts.

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April 3, 2019

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