Historic Auto Attractions – Roscoe, Illinois - Atlas Obscura

Historic Auto Attractions

Roscoe, Illinois

This deceivingly ordinary warehouse hides an enormous collection of pop culture treasures. 


From the outside, this building looks like an utterly common industrial warehouse. You’d expect it to be stuffed with mundane car parts—that is, if it weren’t for a sign announcing its historic auto attractions.

Step inside the unassuming warehouse, and you’ll immediately realize how deceptive its size is. It’s packed with a trove of Americana treasures that goes far beyond classic cars.

Wandering around is like going on a whirlwind tour of the past. Of course, there are historic cars throughout the place, including Joseph Stalin’s limousine and a few Third Reich vehicles (accompanied by a disclaimer against the represented ideology). But there’s so much more to discover as well.

The museum is full of rare, unusual items once owned by various historical figures. Its artifacts range from the hats worn by Bonnie and Clyde the day they were shot to John F. Kennedy’s golf balls. Historical outfits are displayed on wax figures ranging from Marilyn Monroe to Fidel Castro that resemble the famous figures just enough to make them unsettling.

The mix of memorabilia and artifacts from classic pop cultural icons (think film, TV, politics, world leaders, and more) is presented in an atmospheric mix of eerie lighting. Music associated with the iconic figures and themes displayed plays from the speakers. The visual tone of the artificial lighting makes all the artifacts look quasi-animated. The total lack of natural lighting and contact with the outside world contributes to the ghostly experience you’ll encounter while exploring the building.

Know Before You Go

It's very easy to miss because the warehouse is deceptively small from the outside and it's not visible from the local road.

The museum is closed in winter. 

In partnership with KAYAK

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