Le Village d'Art Préludien
Achères-la-Forêt, France
A village of art and exotic creations.
Secluded in the woods near Fontainebleau, France rests a small village comprised of sculptures and bizarre objects created solely by late artist Roger Chomeaux (also known as Chomo). In this small plot of land exists a mythical-esque world of its own populated by sculpted figures made up of wood, wire and various other materials. Pieces of glass and bottles decorate the walls of the buildings causing the light that shines through to produce awe-inspiring displays. Inside some of the buildings Chomo stores his paintings and original art pieces. Assemblages of car bodies and burnt wood are also unique to Chomo’s peculiar property.
Know Before You Go
This site is no longer publicly accessible. You can only visit during special events.
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