Musee de l'insolite (Museum of the Unusual)
Orniac, France
An unusual, funny and fantastic open air museum.
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Created in 1988 by Bertrand Chenu, the Musee de l’insolite (French for Museum of the Unusual) is a fantastic display of humoristic sculptures, paintings, and objects. Built against a rock wall, the museum is as fascinating as it is surprising, and it is constantly expanding.
Bertrand Chenu, an inventive and funny man, takes you into his marvelous world where the ordinary is everything except that. With the common and the waste, he creates poetry. From the artwork in the little house to the gigantic restructured car or metallic boat in the garden, you’re in for a truly unusual experience!
At the end of the garden, you can also find the litographs of another french artist : Michel Herbaut.
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