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Oscar the Bird King
Thomas Dambo's troll sculpture wears a crown with birdhouses on his head.
'Oscar the Bird King' is one of sculptor Thomas Dambo's ever-growing army of trolls.
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Oscar is the seventh and largest troll in Danish sculptor Thomas Dambo’s “Northwest Trolls: Way of the Bird King” site-specific installation in the Pacific Northwest. While these sculptures draw heavily on Scandinavian folklore, the artist also collaborated with the Snoqualmie and Muckleshoot tribes on this particular set.
To date, Dambo has built more than 100 of these curious giants out of recycled materials around the globe. Oscar the Bird King is resplendent in repurposed wood scraps, shells, stones, and drift wood. His head is wreathed in a crown of birdhouses, so that feathered local residents can nest.
Know Before You Go
The troll sculpture is free to visit.
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March 20, 2024
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