San Francisco Elk's Lodge #3
The longest continuously operating Elk's Lodge in the country.
San Francisco Elk's Lodge #3
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Hidden away on the third floor of the Kensington Park Hotel, overlooking Union Square, sits the oldest continuously running Elk’s lodge in existence.
For decades, the elks have owned the floors that house several amenities, such as a bar, ballroom, pool hall, spa, sauna, gym, swimming pool, handball courts, and the library of the Elks. The bar serves some the cheapest drinks you can find in the neighborhood. The secret handball court resides on the fifth floor and a giant spa complex is in the basement, all for the elks. Visitors are welcomed, but need to be accompanied by a member.
Know Before You Go
Semi-public access, nonmembers need to be accompanied by an elk.
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September 6, 2019
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